Relocation of Unilever factory machinery
- Industriële verhuizingen
- Machineverplaatsingen
As a result of a large-scale reorganisation, the Unilever Group was obliged to close production sites and to relocate the machinery to other sites abroad. Unilever hired Saan and Yourtech to handle this job. Together they provided the transportation of all the machinery. Both companies have gained experience in the specialist field in, among others, the food sector and the packaging industry. This background was the reason why Unilever engaged these two firms.
For the relocation a team was put together consisting of employees of Yourtech, Unilever and Koninklijke Saan. The production lines were equipped with a large number of cables which all had ICT functions and these were disconnected with the help of people who had worked with these machines for years. Some machines were difficult to move because of their form. That was an interesting challenge for Saan. In this project, the focus was on accuracy and the avoidance of lost time. Unilever wanted to lose as little production time as possible and therefore wanted to have the production lines operational again as soon as possible. So the work was done within a tightly defined timeframe. Once removed, the production lines were transported to Unilever sites in Poland, France, Germany and Switzerland.